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© Luna Zscharnt


Tanztheaterstücke ohne Worte für junges Publikum ab 5 Jahren

The character OttO Augenmerk was created by Gabriel Galindez Cruz together with performer Jan Kress. In a loose succession, OttO Augenmerk performs in the style of dance theater without making any detour. People of all languages join OttO Augenmerk on a journey of discovery and enter the universal world of soundless communication..



JAN KRESS is an actor, dancer and performer. He gained visibility in 2014 through "bodieSLANGuage" by The Progressive Wave. He was awarded at the theater festival Clin d'oeil in Reims/France as the "Best International Actor". At the German Theater for Deaf People he played in "Diener zweier Herren" and in 2019 in "Die Hauptsache". In 2020, he presented "Vier. Ein visuelles Musical in Gebärdensprache" at the Sophiesaelen Berlin, where he was artist in residence in 2021. Jan Kress works at FELD - Theater für junges Publikum on inclusive topics of the program and various projects.

In 2022 he can be seen in "Vögel - eine Satire nach Aristophanes" at Ballhaus Ost, Berlin.


episode 1

OttO Augenmerk - Ein Mensch von Welt



In OttO Augenmerk's world it's very quiet. He does not use spoken language or written words. But there's a lot to look at in this world! 

OttO shares his fabulous stories, fantastic thoughts and kaleidoscopic emotional experiences by means of his body, face and hands - and glowing tapes of many different colors. Equipped with these tools of the trade, he gets on his journey. OttO molds time and space and goes everywhere he wants! He transforms universes into new worlds, turns his wealth of experience upside down and gives things a whole new meaning in no time at all.

OttO trains our eyes. He gives us an insight into how quickly our viewing habits can change and new perspectives can be adopted.



Episode 2

OttO Augenmerk - Taped Kunterbunt


Coming soon!

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